Weeeellllll! My baby niece turned 1 last weekend! Such an amazing age. You really see them turning into little people…with personalities…and the capability to think about stuff….and they’re really mobile {though be it they seem drunk all the time, so my husband says…which is true, and amusing}.
Any who, my sis is amazing at so many things DIY, and who knows where that came from?! Maybe if I pop out a child, I’ll be extra DIY and crafty too! Or it perhaps it’s been hiding in her all this time and in the past she was busy becoming a doctor, soooooo, time was probably limited :)
Let’s start from the beginning…all the way in Bloomington, Indiana. I was summoned by my sister to create some cute fondant decorations for the Athena’s cake and bring them along my journey to Madison, Wisconsin. And here it is, a little girl owl with a cute little bow in her hair. She made the trip!! All the airport employees wanted to eat her, but don’t worry, I kept her safe…
PS Athena still isn’t sure which taste’s better..ribbon, or cake? I’ll keep you updated if she decides.
{Inspirational Links}
Sweetoplita Love this Vanilla Raspberry-Marscapone Birthday Cake
Beautiful photography!
Some of YOUR DIY talent must have rubbed off on me!
Thanks for the amazing cake decor and great photography. You’re the BEST aunt a babydoo could want ;)